

Please read the guidelines below and submit the relevant required application form and text of abstract before due date in order to be processed for approval. Thank you


9th – 11th JUNE 2025, KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE, MALAYSIA                             

We welcome abstracts for poster presentations showcasing your hospital/ department’s Quality Improvement Projects.

General Guidelines for submission of abstracts

  1.  An individual may submit a maximum of two abstracts.
  2. We will acknowledge receipt of all abstracts submitted and provide a registration number for reference.  If this is not advised to you before closing date, please email: info@aphmconferences.com
  3.  Presenting author of abstract that is accepted, MUST REGISTER FOR THE 3 DAY CONFERENCE
  4.  Details and guidelines (poster size, font size etc.) for the final preparation of accepted abstracts will be included with the notification of acceptance.
  5.  The selection of abstracts will be done by the APHM Committee, whose decisions are final.
  6.  Cash Awards will be given for the top 3 posters:

                                    1st prize                  –                 RM1,000

                                    2nd prize                 –                 RM750

                                    3rd prize                  –                 RM500

Instructions for preparation of abstracts

  1. Abstract must be submitted in English, typewritten in font size 11 point Calibri (preferred)
  2. MAIN AUTHOR – Type in your name and final degree as you want it to appear in the Programme
  3. CO-AUTHORS – Type names and degrees as per instructions above.
  4. Text of the abstract must not exceed 250 words and be typed single-spaced, with only the left margin justified.  Graphs, tables and illustrations cannot be included in the abstract.
  5.  The abstract  should contain the following 4 SECTIONS:
  • A statement of the objectives of the study
  • A description of the methods used
  • A summary of the results obtained
  • A statement of the conclusions reached

 Submission of abstracts by email to: info@aphmconferences.com (Must submit as Words file).


 Closing date: 15 April 2025

 Announcement of selected abstracts: 30 April 2025

  You can submit your application form online at https://forms.gle/Ev2cQUsMsvGQkpPJ9

    and email the abstracts in words doc to info@aphmconferences.com

All application forms and text of abstracts MUST be submitted on time before due date in order for us to process and submit for approval by the committee. Thank you.

Enquiry & Update Form

Kindly update the form if you have any enquiries or if you wish to be in our mailing list for updates related to APHM Conferences & Exhibition.

You can also contact us at:

Official Event Manager: Eventsmastery Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd (1045322M)

Email: info@aphmconferences.com | HP/Whatsapp: +6012-392 3560/ +6017-866 8522

Website: www.aphmconferences.com  | Facebook | Linkedin | Instagram

Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia

A-17-01, Menara UOA Bangsar, No.5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Email: aphm@aphm.org.my


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